Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Friend Nicole Shares Her Best Tip

My good friend Nicole has shared her best homeschooling tip on this blog for us. She has 12 years of homeschooling experience and is the mother of 5 children, ages 17 to 4 months. She lives with her husband Mike and their 5 children near Fort Worth, Texas. You can find her at

The Ultimate Homeschooling Tip
by Nicole Volmer

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired  by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.

   Discipline and Discipleship- First and foremost, be diligent to teach your little ones the Word of God. As they learn to submit to God’s Word and the authority He has lovingly and providentially placed over them, they will gain a heart of wisdom and understanding. It will be very difficult, to say the least, if our children cannot obey us, to educate them as God has called us. We must make first time obedience our highest educational priority. Our greatest goal should not be high test scores, prestigious colleges, degrees, or even to merely complete the curriculum. For what will it profit these little ones if they gain worldly wisdom and have not the wisdom God will impart to their very souls by the implanted Word? Instead, our greatest joy should be that our children walk in truth. If they know and love the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart then He himself will be their sufficiency. By all means we are to educate our children so they may be productive adults who can do all that the Lord has called them to do. Sow the scriptures in their life and reap a harvest of a Christ-centered home and education. This of course cannot be accomplished apart from the work of the Holy Spirit in our life and in the hearts of our children. But let us make this our aim, to be well pleasing to the Lord, as we discipline, and disciple our children. For to this, we have all been called, homeschoolers or not!    


LaniQ said...

This is really encouraging to read. This last couple of weeks I have been feeling so condemned and like such a failure as a teacher because we have been having to take so much time out of the day to work through these character/obedience/rebellion issues. But the Lord has really been reminding me of the reason that we chose to homeschool and really cementing those reasons in my mind, it was so that we would have the time neccesary to disciple these little ones, to show them what the Word says, to teach them how to make Biblical decisions and how to confess sin and turn from it. So thank you for this post.

Roberta said...

I am having trouble relating the bible to my 6 year old in terms of how it affects her life. She knows the bible stories, but I'm not sure how to explain that these are not just stories, but lessons on how we are to conduct our lives.

Nicole said...

Hi Roberta, It's a hard season, waiting to see fruit from your labors. And even harder to feel we lack the ability to teach them accurately. I love that God's word is sufficient for us in all areas of life. It brings rest to my anxious nights as a mother who worries for her children. "Do not grow weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you do not lose heart." Just remember that God intends us to do things in a continual disciplined fashion, that one day our children will ask us why we do them. In Duet.6 God tells His people to teach these things (His Law) to their children at every opportunity, that was all they were commanded to do. The rest is in God's hands. It is according to His sovereign will and in His perfect timing to reveal spiritual truth. We may plant and sow but it is up to the Holy Spirit to give the increase. Just be faithful to give her the gospel. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God." Talk about sin and repentance to her, she is not too young to understand her sin and need for a savior.
Another thing that we give our children by continual teaching from God's word is a biblical world view. They filter everything through the presupposition that God exists and His word is true. They are developing an understanding about life through the things which they hear and see. So be sure to surround them with Godly influences.
I think I might need to write a blog real soon on some practical ways to teach our children how they should live, if they fear and love God.
Sola Sciptura, Nicole Volmer

Nicole said...

Hi Lani, We ALL have those seasons. Our children have their whole lives to learn math, and science, and english, but only a short time to learn to honor and obey their parents. This life is so short. It's hard to remember sometimes, when we are trying to keep up with academics and run our home. That's why we need to keep encouraging one another not to lose focus of the needful thing, hearing from God's word. You are sowing truth, may God give it the increase and may you reap a harvest, for His glory! Sola Scriptura, Nicole Volmer

Nicole said...

Oh, Lani, I forgot to tell you I use to live in Maine as a little girl! It was such a beautiful place! I remember my mother's garden, the maple trees with buckets hanging on them and moose!! What an awesome place to have nature studies! My grandmother was part Pasamaquati indian (I know everybody is part indian, lol, but who even knows the word Pasamaquati, but someone from Maine!). Have a great summer in that stunning North East corner!