Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Free Ebook Today on Kindle! "The Joy of Living for Jesus"

Today on Kindle I am giving away copies of my newest book "The Joy of Living for Jesus."

In this book you will learn:
*What is joy?
*What goodness and holiness have to do with joy
*22 ways to have joy

and much more!

If you don't have a Kindle, you can get the Kindle app fr/ee on your computer, iphone, etc.

Also, next Wednesday I will be giving away copies of "When a Mother Follows Christ" on Amazon Kindle.

Here is the link:

Check back next Wednesday and get your complimentary copy.


Catie said...

Hi! I just finished your book, When A Mother Follows Christ and I just started The Joy of Living for Jesus and I LOVE them! :) It was perfect timing for both books for me! Looking forward to checking out more of your stuff! said...

Thank you so much! :)