Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reflections on 2010

December 1st. Wow. This is the last first day of the month for 2010 ever. My very wonderful husband surprised me with a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte this morning. He is so sweet like that.

I think, for my final blog post on the 1st for 2010, I want this to be somewhat reflective. What have been the key things God has done in my heart in 2010? Here are a few of them:

1. This has probably been Todd and I’s best year of marriage. I feel like I’m finally understanding how two sinners can really have an amazing marriage. Much of the secret is found in Ephesians 4:2, which says we need to “overlook one another’s faults because of your love.” This is another verse that has marked 2010 for me. Instead of letting myself getting offended, I am choosing to love Todd and overlook any reason I may have to feel upset. I am making a point to be appreciative for the hundreds of things Todd does right, instead of feeling like Todd needs to be gravely aware of every single little mistake he makes. When I simply love Todd the way he is, and leave his sanctification up to God, and keep an attitude of thankfulness, everything is better.

2. Even though I’ve been writing and speaking about joy for over 5 years, I feel like this year I’ve gain a substantially greater measure of understanding on the subject. Psalm 32:11 comes to mind, which says that joy is the result of having an upright heart. When I start to feel discouraged, depressed, or anything else of that sort, I now check my heart and see where I need to obey God more. Usually, I just need to be more thankful and stop any feelings of pity for myself. Or, I may feel guilty about something God is convicting me of—and in that case, I need to change my behavior so I have a clean conscious. Since a troubled conscious does not get along with joy for long. But a clean conscious that pleases God is rewarded with peace and joy.

3. Since I love to talk, I’ve also spent a lot of time working toward being more sober minded. For many years, I wasn’t sure what this biblical term meant. God tells women to be sober in Titus 2, but as far as I was concerned, I had that nailed. I don’t get drunk and I don’t do any other drugs. But sober means more than just staying away from drugs and drunkenness. I’ve realized that I can get so caught up in a moment that I lose my “sobriety.” Instead of thinking clearly, when I get excited about something, I can talk so much and so excitedly that I begin to say things I later regret. Just foolish things that I don’t need to say. When I am sober-minded, it means that I keep my mouth and my excitement in check, only saying what I’ll be glad I said later, and not just saying whatever I want because I’m having so much fun. But rather keeping a watch at the door of my mouth even when I’m tempted to do otherwise.

This year seems like it has flown by so fast. Yet these lessons are some of the primary ones that I’ve been learning and meditating on this year. God has been faithful to us this year, as He has always been.

What things has God been teaching you this year?

I’d love to hear! Love in Christ, Katie